Sunday, March 13, 2011

Know Thine Enemy

Now, I've always been a good little boy, and never illegally downloaded codecies, and my friends, don't want to waste their money on one, so I never get to read their codecies, and learn up on my opponents, which is for me, very frustrating, and I have lost more than one battle due to moral conduct. So recently, I found a hobby shop that had the codecies, and I sat there in the store and read and read and read. If they had a problem with it, they didn't show it, and whatever, its not like I have to know the book cover to cover.

SO I read the chaos space marine and marine codex, and I wrote a list for each, and I'm shocked at how small the armies seem. my 1750 list outnumbers theirs 3 to one. Not that that's even a great advantage, fudgin 3+ saves. So anyway, I learned a few special rules, and I learned a few of the basics, and now I feel totally different about walking on to the field of battle against them. Instead of, what the hell? why is that unit wounding on 2+s all the time out of nowhere? now its, oh, they have special munitions ah. So I must say, even if you have to download them, read up on all the armies you can, at least all the armies you fight regularly. Do so, and you will be better prepared. And knowing, is half the battle!

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