So I am obviously the IG, and no one else is important right? jk jk
so the plan? well, I don't wanna give it all away before the battle, I mean some of them read this, so yeah.
BUT here are some tips to help you and a bud prepare for a doubles match. So, take the strengths of your army, and your friends army, and find a suitable weakness in your opponents army. Simple really. For example, Orks and IG would make a very well rounded pair, you have assault and shooting, just let the orks do all the punching, and IG do all the trigger work. Now lets say they are going against Eldar and Black Templar. What can you expect from those two armies? mobility and wicked CC abilities. So in general, my plan would be use the Guard and orks together to pummel the Black Templar threats. Once that's done, the Eldar's maneuverability is really the only hindrance, so use what orks are left to tie them up and when they go down, just finish them off with the heavy weapons of the Imperial Guard.
Not much of an article you say? hrm... well I'll just throw in a picture that always seems to please you people.... yeah that's right "you people"...
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