Thursday, January 21, 2010

Guerrilla, Gorilla, Biiiiiig Difference

Guerrilla warfare has always represented a challenge to any force, from the American Revolution to present day operations, guerrilla warfare has been a staple throughout modern history. In order to incorporate a few of these elements from guerrilla warfare, I will be giving you some house rules, and hopefully inspire you to create your own. So let's dive right in.

These may only be given to experienced units (like IG veterans, or SM sternguard):
outflank - 10 points
pinning - 3 points per model
infiltrate (but only into jungle or forest terrain) - 10 points
hit and run - 15 points
scouts (but no outflank, you have to pay extra for that) - 10 points
acute senses - 1 point per model
see through jungle (I don't remember what this rule is called, but its the one that allows you to see more than six inches through forests and stuff) - 10 points

These may be given to any troop choice infantry unit:
Move through cover - 10 points
defensive grenades - 15 points

And remember, this is by no means a strict list, feel free to make things more or less points, just make sure you both agree on it. Lastly, lets talk scenarios.

Imagine, your Guard platoon are on a patrol, and then tyranids (they seem to be the buzz the days) jump out at you! Same rules apply from the ambush scenario from the big book. Luckily for this scenario your Guardsmen hail from a deathworld, and may pick from the above traits (except outflank and infiltrate). Just keep it jungle themed, or forest themed, and you should have a great time, I know I do.

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