Monday, December 7, 2009

Facing the Swarm

When I started playing Warhammer 40k, I was originally 3rd edition Tyrannids, and I hated it. I always lost, ALWAYS but I persisted because I knew that I wanted to play Guard, and could win with them, because I knew a lot of real life strategies and tactics. So I returned my friends army as soon as possible, which was my 17th birthday, and got my own army. However, thanks to having played Tyrannids I know what its like to be on the other side now. Granted, a good bit has changed since 3rd edition Tyrannids, but it looks like it hasn't changed too awful much. That said, Tyrannids are a bitch to fight as Guard. Our men are too soft compared to the onrushing hordes, and we really have to use thought if we want to win.

The major problems when fighting Tyrannids are, charging 12", Genestealers, and Carnifexes. That's pretty much it, but those are big problems. Not only are Hormagaunts slightly better than Guardsmen, but they are way faster, and equipped with the right things they can crush Guardsmen.

There are a few units that really shine against Tyrannids though, those units mainly being Commissars, and wait for it... Priests. Priests, who uses those? Well with the coming of the new Tyrannid codex, you might want to stock up on them. For 60 points you get a man with an eviscerator (one of my favorite weapons in the game) rosarius (4+ invulnerable save), but best of all, he and any unit he is with may re-roll failed closecombat attacks. Used with a unit of 20 or more Guardsmen, with a Commissar and a Priest, these lads will actually win close combat, which is important against Tyrannids. Now Commissars are necessary as well if you want to stand a chance, their enhanced leadership, combined with stubborn will prevent your men from breaking. Also they are good fighters, and sure to get a lot of kills.

Now one of the keys to killing Hormagaunts is to time your step forward. Your average table is 4X6, and naturally he is going to place his Hormagaunts as close as possible making them 36 inches away from your table edge. He will move up 12 inches, making him 12 inches from your advancing line, here is where you spring your trap. Take 2nd turn, deploy your men about 8" from your table edge, and they should end up around 16" away. Now simply step forward 6" and fire at full auto with a FRFSRF, which is just about the only order you want to be giving throughout the battle anyway. With a standard of 30 Guardsmen and an officer's cadre that's almost one hundred shots. You are going to get charged anyway, and those 30 or so extra shots, are definitely worth their weight in gold. Now when you get charged is when the Commissar, Priest, and Platoon Standard, come in handy. Each of those three models is designed to help hold the line and win closecombat.

Genestealers are worse to deal with than Hormagaunts, assuming you have taken second turn, its a good idea to castle up against Tyrannids, not only does it make the battle look cooler, but it really is a good idea. However, Genestealers are going to make you think twice about it. With scuttlers, they can outflank, and if they have a Broodlord with them, well, lets just say it's gunna get nasty. Now Priests and Commissars will help with this, but they are needed at the front line where they will stem the tide against the Hormagaunts and Carnifexes. So when you castle up be aware of what units you want to fight the Genestealers. I like to use my mortar team and stormtroopers for this. My mortars which naturally are in the back, are of no use against Tyrannids, they may kill a few, but in reality, they are worthless, but they do provide a nice target for the Genestealers. Best of all, they are almost assured to die in the attack, being only 3 models with 2 wounds each. So when the Genestealers come in, slam down your stormtroopers, and let their flamers and hotshots do the talkin. Also worth noting, is holding units in reserve, a nice unit of veterans with shotguns ought to be able to deal with those pesky Genestealers.

And last, but the furthest from least, is the Carnifex. These monstrosities soak up Autocannon fire like they like it, and smash through helpless lines of Guardsmen who can't even scratch them. So how do you deal with these? I focus my Autocannons on them, and my tank, which should kill at least one per turn, so long as you give your Autocannons the Bring 'em Down order. Then when they get close, either have my Vendetta finish em off if possible, or have Straken bring em down personally, with a plasmapistol and like 5 str 6 AP1 attacks, he is bound to kill one himself. If you don't have those models, then perhaps a battery of tanks or chimeras could do it, but short of that you will be hard pressed.

Just remember, let them have first turn, and deploy accordingly, if your line is stretched it will break.

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